Top Reasons why SEO is an investment for your business not an expense

The internet is a competitive place. Businesses are competing for customers, and every opportunity to grow your business should be explored. One of the most important marketing strategies that you can implement is search engine optimization. There are many misconceptions about SEO – that it’s too expensive, or difficult to understand. The truth is that SEO is an investment in your company’s future success – not an expense! In this article we will discuss why optimizing your website for search engines will lead to increased revenue for your business.

SEO is an investment in your company’s future success

SEO is a great way to generate leads and increase the number of visitors on your website. Many people don’t know that websites need to be optimized for search engines in order to rank higher and show up more often when someone does an internet search. b) The good thing about investing money into SEO is that you can track

It’s less expensive than other forms of advertising

Don’t pay for crazy advertising whether it be online, print or media save your money and invest into an SEO campaign. The average price of a click for an ad on Google AdWords is around $0.35c – much higher than the cost needed to optimize your website with SEO. The team at Straight Up Digital are experts in SEO on Gold Coast and will have your company climbing up the Google rankings in no time.

Invest in the right digital marketing

Why is Google always changing its search algorithm? It’s all about quality content and presenting the most accurate representation of your brand to potential customers. But don’t worry, our SEO experts know how to tweak your website so that it never falls victim to these changes again!

SEO will help you rank higher in the search engines, which means more traffic to your site

The data doesn’t lie, banner ads get almost no love from online searchers, and fewer than 10 percent of people ever click on sponsored links in Google. The health craze has kicked off online and people want organic search results—70 percent of searchers prefer to click on the organic link. When someone searches for “Office Chair” on Google, they will look at the first few actual organic results that Google finds for them. A well devised and run SEO campaign will put your website to the top of those organic search results, It’s here we see the greatest increase in click through rates from the people searching.

Search engine optimization can also save money – with better rankings on Google and Bing, companies are less likely to need paid ads

The old adage is true that you need to spend money to make money, but can you spend money to save money? With SEO you can! The money that you have been spending on advertising campaigns that have no measurables can be funnelled into a quality SEO campaign that you can track and see the benefits. You couldn’t possibly spend the same on SEO as you do on traditional marketing, hence spend money to save money. It’s easy!

Straight Up Digital have years of experience in SEO campaigns on The Gold Coast to help businesses get to the top of Google. If you have any questions or want to know more about SEO don’t hesitate to speak to the team at Straight Up Digital

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